Posts Tagged ‘blog strategy’

Get the “Blah blah blah” Out of Your Blog

May 7, 2009

Like you, I research on the internet. I’ve gained marketing insights in the process, but I’m only sharing here the ones I think are worth your time. And that’s the point of this post.

Blogs are the business world’s fancy new bling. If you’ve tried them, you know there are hundreds of blog-o-maniacs to egg you on with everything from case studies to get-rich-quick formulas. Unfortunately, many companies and entrepreneurs take the bait and start flashing their bling like drunken lotto winners. No class, but plenty of bravado and noise.

A Wily Dog does not approach blogging like a goofy puppy with a new toy. Basic formula for marketing successfully with blogs?

  • GOAL

Goal: Before you start a blog—even if you have, keep reading—set a goal for your blog and write it down. This sounds obvious, but many companies jump on the bandwagon without packing their bags for the trip. What do you hope to accomplish with your blog? Build brand loyalty? Establish credibility as an expert? Start viral chatter that turns to advocacy? Create a venue for sneak peeks at future products or projects? Increase sales? Grow your market share? If you don’t have a goal, you’ll end up chasing your tail.

Strategy: Next, develop a clear strategy for reaching your goal and write it down. Nothing stays on track like a plan committed to paper. Write an editorial calendar (when you will cover what topic) to build a path to your goal. Leave room for blogs that capitalize on current events but beware: Even though blogging by nature invites quick reactions, if you don’t have a marketing strategy you’ll just end up an armchair commentator rather than a leader.

Bonus Insight: Some companies hire a slew of bloggers to tout their products in the form of thinly veiled “reviews” on their supposedly objective blogs. If you use this strategy, get to know your bloggers-for-hire before you turn them loose. If they are not balanced in their reviews of products (addressing both positives and negatives), readers will see right through the hype and avoid you for fear of being “taken.”

Relevancy: It’s tempting to just start blathering when you believe you have a captive audience. You don’t! Your readers are always just a click away from your competitors, so stick to the point. Example: Before posting this, I revised my opener 6 times (and that’s JUST the opener), cutting the word count 60%. I respect your time and want you to come back, so I’m not going to tell you about my nephew’s birthday party or my favorite web pages UNLESS it’s relevant to my post’s theme. Every word I blog has to support my goal or I’m wasting my time. Worse, I’d be wasting yours.

So blog on with wisdom, O Wily One, and let me know how it goes. Rrrfff!