BrandSqueak: Creating Emotional Connections Your Competitors Can’t Touch

Last night Wily Dog and I were leaving the house for a walk. The Nuggets were in their swan dive with the Lakers and I couldn’t take the heartache (still proud of you, Nuggets!). As we left, I could still hear the squeak of basketball shoes on the boards and thought, What would basketball be without that squeak? Then it hit me: That’s how branding works.

The NBA can’t patent the squeak, but when you hear it, you think basketball. Just like the smell of spaghetti sauce says “Mom” to me, those subtle (or blatant) sensory cues that conjure one specific thing can go a long way in branding. In fact, those barely tangible but highly effective connections are among the most powerful gizmos in your branding toolbox.

ID the Squeak
BrandSqueak is that impossible-to-copy value proposition you deliver on every time your customers interact with you.

What “squeak” does your product or business “own” that makes your customers think of you and only you?

For personal care providers like massage therapists and hair stylists, it’s all in the touch. For car mechanics it’s an honest assessment and a fair price—every time. For liquor and cosmetic companies, it’s packaging. They spend millions on design and labeling to get you to reach for their product first. Do you consciously think about packaging when you reach for them? No, but you sure like the heft and feel in your hand when you get there.

Branding as a Value Proposition
Wily Dogs know exactly how their customers like to be scratched behind the ears. BrandSqueak hits the sweet spot.

Maybe it’s your customer service, how everyone leaves happier than when they got there. Maybe it’s that customers can easily find what they need to know on your web site or blog. It could be the way you help your customers zoom in on problems and fix them. Or the fact that you always have a nugget of wisdom to offer up in a business meeting.

As in every great relationship, it’s the little things that count. You don’t have to spend millions to make that sensory or emotional connection between your customer and your company. But when the little things go right, it inspires affection and loyalty. Over time your BrandSqueak will create a strong, even sentimental connection your competitors can’t take away.

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